Taking care of an occlusal splint is important for appliance longevity. Here's some tips and tricks to keep occlusal splints in good condition.
Keep it clean
Using a toothbrush and antibacterial soap, gently brush the splint with soap and water for a minute, rinse clean.
Clean both before and after use
Keep it dry
Ensure the splint is dry before placing in the storage case.
Use a storage case with ventilation holes.
Brush and Floss
As always, good dental hygiene will also help keep the appliance in good condition. Brush and floss regularly.
What to avoid
Avoid toothpaste to clean the splint, the paste is abrasive and will wear the appliance
Heat, the appliance is typically manufactured using heat to shape it over the teeth. So, exposing it to heat will likely distort the appliance.
Need a splint manufactured? Head to the CyberConnect portal where you can register for an account, or log in if you already have one, and submit a case.
You'll find the range of splints under the appliances option when completing the online prescription form.